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We are dedicated to providing you with the highest quality, cost effective dental care. We accept all major credit cards. 




We accept most insurance plans including Delta, Cigna, Metlife.  We fill out all claim forms and submit the forms for you 



We also have an in-office program for patients who do not have dental insurance, or as an option for your current plan



For the most up-to-date information on our accepted dental health insurance plans

contact our office directly at 518-370-8086 



Patient Consent:

*Because HIPAA Federal regulations protecting your privacy, we wish to inform you that we will release no information about you without your consent.  we are allowed release this information to your insurance company or as necessary to get paid for our services.  You can have access to your records by simply asking.  

At the time of the new patient exam you will have the opportunity to sign the consent form to permit the release of any information to or from your dental practitioner as may be required. 


You certify that you, and/or your dependent(s), have insurance coverage as submitted on the following registration form and assign directly to your dental practitioner all insurance benefits, if any, otherwise payable to you for services rendered.  You understand that you are finsacially responsible for all charges whether of not paid by insurnace.  you authoize thw sue of your signature on all insurance submissions.  Your denal practioner mau use yuor health care information and may disclose such information to your insurance company and their agents for the prupose of obtaining payment for service and determining insurance benefits of benefits payable for related services


For the most up-to-date information on our accepted dental health insurance plans contact our office directly at 518-370-8086 

Niskayuna Family Dental Practice.JPG

Jeanne Grosso DMD &

Conrad Howe DDS


2317 Balltown Rd. Suite 101

Niskayuna, NY 12309

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